• 領先者 is201 mobile01    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 韓商艾倍格有公司台灣分公司

      Obigo is a leading service/product company in the mobile industry. Obigo has a product offering including wide range of mobile data applications including Browser, MMS, Email, SyncML, etc. Obigo has global top handset OEMs and ODMs as key product customers. Obigo’s mobile browser is the competitiv...

      電話:02-87516700    地址:台北市內湖區堤頂大到2段475號8樓
    2. 晟福科技股份有限公司

      ...。本公司是德國Rittal 在台灣授權的加值代理商,掌握國際領先的環控技術和工業自動控制核心技術。經年的累積與發展,使我們在業內建立了專業的口碑,並培養了自動控制、電子設計等領域具有豐富經驗的人才團隊。我們所代理...

      電話:02-25451958    地址:台北市松山區復興北路201號8樓之3
    3. 璽合康股份有限公司

      Salcomp Plc develops and manufactures chargers for mobile phone and other electronic devices. Salcomp is the market leader in mobile phone chargers, and the main customers include the major mobile phone manufacturers. Power adapters based on Salcomps own product platforms are suitable also for cordl...

      電話:02-26562358    地址:台北市內湖區內湖路一段316號12F
    4. 視鼎科技股份有限公司

      ...the target to create the best technology in the world for digital home and mobile entertainment. C2 Microsystems is developing a family of low-cost, high performance, fully programmable SOCs, based on the Linux OS, and includes a software package that is optimized for networked digital home and mobi...

      電話:02-87515655    地址:台北市內湖區堤頂大道2段301號8F
    5. globaltest01

      ...的方式達到交易雙方誠實與互信的信任交易,並成為全球領先的專業儀器設備交易網。新的體驗,讓你可以專心的投入 globaltest01 交易網在 globaltest01,你可以獲得全新體驗:搜尋你要的需求、發現的驚喜、專業知識所擁有的滿足、...

      電話:06-2958177    地址:台南市安平區健康路三段286號3F

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